Entries by Kelly

Getting Around to Your Will: What to Expect When You Visit a Law Firm

Nathan Kaulback For many Nova Scotians, the restrictions associated with the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a newfound abundance of time to tackle the projects and tasks that have been sitting at the bottom of our to-do lists for some years. One of the most common items that gets left behind in our increasingly busy […]

Update on Burnside Law Group’s Status re: Provincial State of Emergency

Consistent with the ease of restrictions issued in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Burnside Law Group has resumed the normal staffing and operation of its office. In doing so, Burnside Law Group shall be carefully following all regulations issued by the Provincial Government. As the situation continues to evolve, Burnside Law Group will remain responsive […]

Update on Burnside Law Group’s Status re: Provincial State of Emergency

Consistent with the provincial state of emergency issued in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Burnside Law Group is announcing its intent to maintain a skeletal staffing of its office. This will remain until the passing of this public health emergency. During this time, the majority of our staff will be working remotely to maintain office […]